Anti-GST protesters confront Costello BY DANI BARLEY SYDNEY — "Tax the rich, not the rest, no GST", protesters cried as they confronted the federal treasurer, Peter Costello, speaking at a business forum on the tax organised by the Daily
The Seattle and Washington protests against the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB) have forced their chiefs into damage control. But despite all the PR bunk about the IMF and WB's "non-interference" in national economies, and their
I acknowledge your kindness "Those who would administer wisely must, indeed, be wise, for one of the serious obstacles to the improvement of [the human] race is indiscriminate charity." — Andrew Carnegie, 1835-1919, "Wealth", From the North
University workers demonstrate against council BY NICK FREDMAN LISMORE — All but three members of the Southern Cross University council slunk in the back door rather than face the 100 angry campus workers demonstrating outside for a better
BY SEAN HEALY MELBOURNE — Friends of the Earth Australia and the Melbourne University Student Union have condemned the involvement of a corporate wing of the University of Melbourne in illegal oil and gas exploration in Pakistan's Kirthar
Burmese target Canberra embassy BY MARCUS PABIAN CANBERRA — Fifty federal police were unable to prevent 200 Burmese pro-democracy demonstrators, chanting "Eliminate dictatorship", from staging a sit-in outside the Burmese government's embassy
Allende in his own words Salvador Allende Reader: Chile's Voice of Democracy — Ocean Press, Melbourne287pp., $29.95 Review by Jorge Jorquera Thirty years after his election to the post of president of Chile in September 1970, Ocean Press has
On May 17 approximately 300,000 workers across Russia participated in protests against the government's proposal to introduce a draconian new labour code. The new legislation removes workers' rights that have been held for decades, renders trade
BY MARGARET ALLUM "Financial living standards after divorce", a report based on research by the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS), shows that the financial situations of women and men after a relationship breakdown remain consistent
BY SEAN HEALY When top political and business leaders gather at Melbourne's Crown Casino for the September 11-13 World Economic Forum's Asia Pacific Economic Summit, they will do more than slap each other's backs and compare notes on corporate
BY GRAINNE DWYER PERTH — Federal immigration minister Philip Ruddock and his state counterpart Rob Johnson defended Australia's harsh treatment of refugees at a public meeting here on May 12, claiming the policy was not racist. "Australia of
Thousands of people around the country turned "Sorry Day", May 26, into a day of protest against the federal government's policies on indigenous rights, in particular its attempt to deny the suffering inflicted on the generations of Aboriginal