On July 2, the Workers Charter movement was founded in Auckland, New Zealand, by a group of left, union and social justice activists. The following is a draft charter for discussion and feedback.
Every worker has the right to dignity, which our
Garry Preston
The Australian trade union movement and workers' rights are under attack in a way unseen in this country before. But one only needs to look across the Tasman to see what can happen to workers' rights and conditions under a right-wing
PM John Howard's proposed industrial relations "reforms" include changing the way minimum wages are set to keep them low.
The government wants to replace the Australian Industrial Relation Commission's role in setting the minimum wage with a new
The Age of Commodity: Water Privatisation in Southern AfricaEdited by David A. McDonald and Greg RuitersEarthscan, 2005303 pages, $55 (pb)
One billion people in the world lack access to safe drinking water and two billion
In a midnight raid on July 21, Zimbabwean police forcibly removed hundreds of homeless people from churches in Bulawayo, taking them to the Hellensvale transit camp, set up to house those made homeless by the government's crackdown on illegal
I wrote recently in this column about the seemingly strange fact that many of the wealthiest Australians report being dissatisfied with their lives in general and even with the state of their finances in particular.
For example, a greater
Liam Mitchell, Sydney
A recent case of workers being forced to sign AWAs has ended with a victory after a two-and-a-half week campaign by the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU).
When workers at Masterton Homes were told they
Stuart Munckton
Broadcasting his weekly Hello President television show live from a newly worker-run cacao processing plant, on July 15 Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez announced plans to expropriate privately owned companies that have been closed
GREAT BARRIER REEF — This is a recent photograph of live bombing at Raymond Island in the mouth of Shoalwater Bay, inside the Great Barrier Reef marine national park. Raymond Island has been a regular target for ship-to-shore bombardments and
The Moroccan government continues to clamp down on dissent in Western Sahara, the country it occupies, following a pro-independence upsurge in protest in May-June. On July 21, five Saharawi human rights workers were arrested. All of the men have been
Israeli security forces threatened to put "a bullet in the head" of peaceful Palestinian, Israeli and international peace protesters in Asira village in the Occupied West Bank on July 23. According to a statement issued by the International
Just got his CV up to scratch
"Philip Cooney resigned as chief of staff of the White House council [on environmental quality] last Friday, two days after the New York Times reported that he edited some descriptions of climate research in a way that
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