Ten activists from the Friends of Palestine WA staged an action outside the Seacret booth at Carousel shopping centre in Perth on November 27. This action was part of the international "boycott, divestment and sanctions" campaign against Apartheid Israel.
Seacret is a cosmetics company that sources its product from the Dead Sea in occupied Palestine. The company is "profiteering from resources in the land stolen by Israel, while Palestinians are denied their traditional sustainable agricultural output and any share of the water resources from the Jordan River or the coastal aquifers" according to a leaflet handed out by the activists.
Participants surrounded the Seacret booth with signs including "Seacret breaks international law by profiting from occupation". The use of minerals from occupied Palestinian land is in clear violation of the fourth Geneva Convention which prohibits exploitation of resources by an occupying power.
One passerby joined the protest and held a banner and many others, including some nearby shopkeepers gave supportive comments as they observed the action.
The action was spirited and passionate and at all times peaceful. Activists left after 40 minutes.