Inquiry into forced adoptions

February 5, 2011
Greens senator Rachel Siewert.

The federal senate has agreed to an inquiry into the practice of forcible adoption in Australia between the 1940s and ’80s, supporting a motion by Greens Senator Rachel Siewert on November 15.

“Today’s vote starts to recognise the suffering that so many people have endured as a result of forced adoption policies,” Siewert said. “There is no doubt that many women were treated very badly as a result of these policies. Young and vulnerable mothers were pressured into adoptions, and often had to surrender their newborn children without being allowed to see them.

“For many mothers and children, the emotional and psychological damage of these policies continues, and will be felt for the rest of their lives. We must do all we can to address this.”

Calls for an inquiry into, and apology to the victims of forced adoption have been mounting on the wake of campaigns for justice for the Stolen Generations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Many of the pretexts used for stealing babies from Aboriginal people were also used to steal babies from non-Aboriginal people, particularly those who were economically or socially marginalised.

Typically, the victims of forced adoption were young, unmarried women and their babies. Reactionary ideologies that cast women who had premarital sex as having sinned justified both a cruel official policy and unsympathetic treatment by medical staff and bureaucrats.

Submission to the inquiry must be sent to or Senate Community Affairs Committee, Department of the Senate, PO Box 6100, Canberra 2600, before February 28. Notes to help prepare a submission are available at .


As an adoptee as I'm titled I can see there was tyrannical thuggery which is what coerced control or forced anything is during the time of all this happening. I can see the tyrants are here yet again just doing it all over again in different ways. Go check ASIO and the Internet (the gov on both sides is so fearful of not be reelected they'll go to these unconscionable lengths.)They have no idea of anything but self-serving their own power bases shame. As far as Forced adoptions are concerned there witll be justice and the time is coming. Too many are now aware despite the gov hiding the facts and even this Enquiry from the mainstream of public another of their shames greens included have to say, all of you. Neville W
My only comment is this The government then and now want power that is dominance and not democratic power that is for the people and by the people. They'll fall on their own swords. I'm disgusted about the site I've seen here and what I know is truth. Governments who want to dominate over their public are no go as they're under an oath to do the right things not regressive, repressive, oppressive benefits to selves. Thanks John
We've been 'impacted' by forced adoptions from different perspective to what we've read and see there's not much to read in mainstream media. That's telling. The facts are all there and these matter most of all. Include our collective understanding that these many thousands of forced adoptions were egregious breaches of women's rights and responsibilities in Australia during the 1940's - 1980's and the facts read are outrageous. The inquiry is looking at facts then they have to see the imposition of cancer causing drugs such as DES along with other induced malpractices without anyone's consent is also egregious breach of the young unwed pregnant women (many were girls - this is disgraceful example of stereotyping and no amount of todayswisdom whitewashes past ignorance will suffice to recompense these targets of malicous abuse, chaos, corruption (yes the powers that be colluded with state and chuirch) with cruelty. We've seen the effects firsthand. This inquiry is raising factual truths. One affected family who'se seen firsthand the repercussions of 'forced adopitons' on a lot of people Thanks
We've been 'impacted' by forced adoptions from different perspective to what we've read and see there's not much to read in mainstream media. That's telling. The facts are all there and these matter most of all. Include our collective understanding that these many thousands of forced adoptions were egregious breaches of women's rights and responsibilities in Australia during the 1940's - 1980's and the facts read are outrageous. The inquiry is looking at facts then they have to see the imposition of cancer causing drugs such as DES along with other induced malpractices without anyone's consent is also egregious breach of the young unwed pregnant women (many were girls - this is disgraceful example of stereotyping and no amount of todayswisdom whitewashes past ignorance will suffice to recompense these targets of malicous abuse, chaos, corruption (yes the powers that be colluded with state and chuirch) with cruelty. We've seen the effects firsthand. This inquiry is raising factual truths. One affected family who'se seen firsthand the repercussions of 'forced adopitons' on a lot of people Thanks
Lawyers and governments made a whole lot of luca from so called forced adoptions. They're to be accountable and now the murdochracy has been shown further to be the hypocracy uninformed and bias it is, shame on that media also for ever promoting adoptions during the Aussie baby scopp era. Merciless murdoch and government wondering whose pulling whose strings yet know the commonwealth gov. are responsible after reading Womens Electoral Lobby Australia submission to Senate inquiry into forced adoptions. Canberra shame Australian shame Yours truly
My birth mother deserted her husband, myself 12mths old and my brother 1mth old in the 50's. My Father and his extended family battled to give us a stable family life for 2yrs. The" wonderful" Child Welfare(grr) of the time stepped in and told him to make other arrangements for us or they would do it. So shouldn't this be put in the same category. The outcome... we were adopted Into different Families. This separation should have never been allowed to happen. I hope there is a favorable outcome to the inquiry Regards Ros Arnold
The rock solid facts are all here and there. Families were 'maliciously' torn apart. Money exchanged hands for profits over people. Church organisations including the Salvation Army, Catholic Church as one doctor exclaimed were 'untouchable' however one has just admitted rock solid facts as true with an 'apology' to support what the victims of this horrendous abuse suffered. My family, friends, myself and a whole lot of people I seem to be meeting who are talking about this all fully support the senate nquiry into forced adoptions. They who want to assauge their guilty consciences, the real abusers, not parents and infants, staff who had roles which that were responsible need to look in the mirror, I'm disgusted at their constant and ongoing 'cover ups'. M Wickey
Hey not only did the governments state and commonwealth abandon and neglect the natural mums and their infants but so many or the adoptees have and do abandon and neglect their natural mums. I'm ashamed of these people who can't respect their roots and ashamed of an Australia that allowed this all to happen. Full unequivocal support for this about time senate inquiry into forced adoptions. Sam N.
It's all so sad and shameful. I feel very sad for you and your siblings - but also for your mother! This is in the same dept as the forced removal of aboriginal children. Regardless of who were the stolen children or who their parents were, the end results were all horrific. Who knows what reason your mother had for 'deserting' her family. Perhaps she suffered from post natal depression, didn't receive any help and left out of fear of what was happening to her. Who knows? I'm sure she didn't want to leave! Women were treated in an appalling manner in the 50's and even in the 60's medical peoples' attitudes to pregnant women was at best patronising and paternalistic! There were no sole parent benefits and child support was not like it is today. The endowment payments weren't even worth accessing from the bank account - so pathetic were they!
There's fire in many people's bellies about this forced adoptions. I'm revolted to read the various viewpoints that all have truths about them. What era and kind of peoples allow their own (humans?) in more power to destroy family foundations leaving many thousands of people to suffer as if martyrs or second class citizens or even slaves or plain breeders to the privileged or want-to-benfit-from-vulnerable or less strong at time. Looking at the number of submisssions I can also see the number of people who would not submit. My support is for the victims of forced adoptions. I also support a just, sincerely fair senate inquiry into forced adoptions, nothing less.
Forty Six years on for some - and still no files. Still the denial, regardless of proof. How much more must we Mothers suffer the loss of our babies, the terrible assault - the rape of our human lilves: Thank you Kedesh Mothers
Check out whos on panel of Senate Committee from Hansard's first public notification of proceedings of this inquiry i.e. Forced Adoptions. Beginning with one self confessed at the scene at the time/crime midwife personnel with forced adoptions. She's called Senator Judith Adams, yet I'd have to say I call her by other names. This liberal was selected by who? And why was she chosen to ask the witnesses any questions when it's she who should be answering lots. Who chooses these Senate Inquiry Committees? Everyone concerned and all public have a right to know exactly who. Shame shame shame again Commonwealth Government when do you get over your own agendas and place the people as priority over your vested interests? K.B.
We've waited a long time for the various states, territories and commonwealth government to look at this. Also the judges and law. With lots of insight into the subject matter (our close friend was a target and we've seen first hand what it does to demean and stigmatise) we advise the one and only resource centre in Sydney Australia that is funded (guess by whom) the Benevolent Society with their post adoption resource centre is a disgrace. They denigrate the original families whilst making adoptive paremnts feel proud and whilst amassing their profits. This company or organisation were/are pro adoptions, surrogacy and all the rest whilst they claim non for profit yet have accumulated the wealthiest land mass (that could house the homeless if they were so benevolent). There is a senate inquiry yet we're wondering why no one is regulating places like this one, it's a sham. Wjo's covering what there. Reminds us of Coal Seam Gas mining gping unregulated whilst theives rob through the nose except the senate is looking at human degradadtion & loss not land degradtion and loss affecting humans. We're ashamed of an Australia that allowed so many to make profits from the excluded original families as well as remained silent whilst the young women and their babies were subjected to what is nothing less than torture. Forget about 10 Hail Mary's book that's a life story that's nothing to do with forced adoptions. Not a nice saga nonetheless. Our hearts go out to the original mums and their babies and dads (though we know a lot of them fled the scene and that's low life in and of itself as low as the authorities.} The Commonwealth Government and the NSW State Government have blood on their hands as do supposedly benevolent others who colluded with them to allow this all to happen. Thanks 91̳ all media who are telling truth not fiction about the tragedies of adoptions. Carol and Simon NSW Australia.
This is a good site and my wife and I fully support the senate inquiry towward helping the wronged girls and women. Funny thing one present greens polly a local councillor was very damaging to our close and dear friend who suffered still suffers from the effects of adoption, yet the greens are meant to be leading the way with this one. This greens is a top down women with a bent on harming others whilst acting as if she cares. Tragic figure with a heavy history of doing this to powerless or unwed mums. We're appalled at the consistent wrongs and misunderstanding of people wanting power over others.This has become a national disgrace. When does this stop. It's almost a dis-ease in our present spociety and in context of forced adoption an Australian shame we all should be looking at not without care, but definitely without ruthless and insane need to control and dominate others. My heart goes out to al the targets; and my heart turns away from all the malicious (as Shirley Swain rightly said) and vindictive power hungry. My wife and I don't pay large taxes to support any government or their church non tax payers abuses of power. We pay taxes for caring politicians if they exist, nothing less. Can well understand anyone wanting to run to a tax haven in this 'Advance Australia Fair' Couple of Europeans (not refugees, though know that area also) with social consciences.
The ability of medical, governmental, legal, religious, news media and "charitable" persons to practice EMPATHY is no less a prerequisite to being human today/2011 that it was in the 40's 50's 60's 70's and 80's in Australia or elsewhere. My main concern is the empathy which was tragically lacking in the experiences and times of Forced Adoptions needs to surface during and after this senate inquiry {for all the birthing mothers, fathers and their lost babies.}, Empathy is the primary our whole society seems to go to great lengths to disregard and this is a reflection of all the institutions named above. I read about this social cause and felt shame for something I had no connection with a shame of Australia that needs be surfaced by the Commonwealth Government swallowing their giant pride and acknowledging the intolerable cruelties of forced adoptions. 91̳ Media you have two differing sites thanks for putting them together so the commentors can feel it's all integrated into a whole rather than two separate blogs. Thanks Carl
All the targets were without voices, choices and supports whilst bullies (who are by defintion abusers of power) went gung ho. A senate Inquiry lead by the Greens is only a beginning. I'm with full suport for the vulnerable and guilelss young girls and women who were traumatically abandoned by everyone. This is not a Commonwealth alone wrong the States are upto it in lacking all principles and heavily. Full seupport for Greens media reporting this stuff and full support to the powerless (yet innocent) young girls and women who lost their very vulnerable babies,. Ginger and Graham
I'm asserting points of view regarding not least LEGAL aspects of adoption. Many laws are made by and for the rich and/or priviledged. Some would argue all laws are made thus. The laws in relation to adoption of newborn infants have been unjust. This has been raised by at least one known Australian artist and several Australian adoption groups. During the timeline of the senate inquiry into forced adoptions the lawswere more rigid than today, however today we have a double-standard in relation to 'legal guardianship.' Female politicians and other very affluent mothersfrequently if not almost always choose nannies or carers for their babies and children. Under no circumstances is it considered these young ones be given the surnames or whole influence of these caring people. If a nanny in Australia were to try to claim legal guardianship (due to various and differing reasons) she (or he) would be denied by law. Reality is these nannies or carers fulfill motherly roles. (we all note how many changes of nannies many of these affluent have). The surnames still remain that of the 'legal guardian' being the natural parents. The assumption in past adoption practices were the natural mums socio-economic position and/or other position were reason to exclude these girls/women from 'legal guardianship' or 'legal parenthood' despite the fact/reality people's circumstances change i.e. are not static, and not as rigid as some laws. Adoption today according to present law also assumes a static position of the natural parents as well as the adoptive parents. I could sight celebrities here but that's another aspect distracting from main theme here. I raise the issue of the adoptive parent/s who benefited with a 'wanted' (yet not conceived) infant born from the natural mothers and fathers misfortune, suffering and tormenting long term losses due to circumstances beyond their control. Circumstances very much in the control and abusive or negative power of the law and government practices (even if latter were not policies). Policies and practces are not always as one. These natural parents lose and the surnames are discarded as well as varying cultures and history as is the same loss for the infant adopted. In this context the senate inquiry into forced adoptions (and I assert there would be few which weren't and aren't coercive) the politicians may or may not raise reality/facts those who benefit anothers child may at a later time fall into misfortune themselves or for various reasons of their own seek to turn away the child they were entrusted as legal guardians/parents of, and via legal channels on occasions. This has happened, still happens and is almost always a reflection of laws which are not dissimilar to property laws, even as infants, children and all people are not anyone's property. Money does change hands in adoption one way or another and in many cases ;arge sums of money. Adoptions (and Surrogacy) is a very profitable 'business' for those whose values lack human capacity to value human life and history, origins, roots, alongside surrogacy in Australia and abroad (the new 'version' of 'adoption'). No profits have ever been made by the bereaved, grieving or psychologically injured .natural mothers or those natural fathers who stood by their girlfriends or women and admitted paternity. whilst losing their 'family'. One area of 'adoption' whereby the mothers (undoubtedly poor or mentally unstable) appear to freely 'choose to lose their babies' is the latter 'Surrogacy'. I assert knowingly there are few adolescents with enough if any understanding of self and society to freely (and legally) make any informed decision to lose their conceived. carried and birthed babies. let alone, few as such, who could freely make any decision (except under duress/coercion/force) to experience the tragic loss of their babies to more 'priviledged' in circumstances at the time others/non-rekated parents. There's a valid reasonwhy the old cliche holds seeds of truth 'Blood is thicker than water' even as many of us prize and affirm autonomy as a goal or accomplishment. I also assert numbers of women (not girls or adolescents) who lost their born infants under this same duress/force/coercion were probably again without any understanding of self and society. The mere fact we have a specific Human Services in Australian States and Territory where the adoption department is titled 'Adoption and Permanent Care' raises not only large questions about adoptions abd our citizens human rights but also about our government then and now and their associeted legal processes, not least the language and dialogue in this area of human welfare. No one is a 'permanent' for anyone, and the amount of time a natural mother was and is given to make any informed decision of such huge dimension to lose their infants to adoption (or surrogacy) was/is too rigid, generic and lacking all insight into the individuality of the various cultures, identities, history of the natural mothers and again where they had or are admitting paternity (and this also is another subject) the natural fathers also. I finally assert I am yet to meet a natural mother who has not suffered immense and lifelong psychological injury during and after the loss of their baby. Few of these mothers were ever 'supported' either by government or legal channels, and not excluding 'right wing what we now call religious' channels' in timeline of Senate Inquiry into Forced Baby Adoptions' in this the 21st Century. The targets of the massive and tragic bullying need ongoing support today; counselling by people each indovidual chooses (not by 'charitable' takers), some may need cognitive therapy, and all were before and are today deserving of an apology from the commonwealth government, state and territory governments and I emphasise the legal practices which enabled such injusrtice. It's time to give back to all who lost to adoptions. No one can dare efface these loving people anymore try as they may. The senate inquiry needs to understand abusers of power or negative power holders ultimately pay a price for their lack of humanity. No one can take away their 'history' ultimately. . .
I am one of the stolen ,white,aged 43,,i was stolen through the church, in 1967,i have been lucky enough to have been able to meet my natural mum,who has been so damaged by me being taken,she was 17yrs old ,at the time,i wish she could be compensated for her pain and suffering ,i was lucky to be well looked after ,loved and educated,but this has had affects on me,as well ,who is respossible for our years of being kept apart
I read and respect what Kerry Smith has written in reference to the Senate Inquiry into Forced Baby Adoptions. It's a good bit of news media. I also support this social issue as I know people who have been given a hard time for simply being targeted and harmed by past coerced adoption policies. One thing I add last of all. When I was directed to look up information about the Senate Inquiry I found several posts (instead of one) with the same news media written by Kerry Smith but with different feedbacks as in comments from 91̳ Weekly. Maybe there is some glitch in this news media that needs to be fixed, whatever I like a lot of the comments as well as Kerry Smith's journalism. Katherine
I urge Kerry the author of this Greens Left Weekly journalistic item herewith to urge the government to focus on who is going to benefit from this 2011 Senate Inquiry into Forced Baby Adoptions'. What is the outcome? When is this due? I also urge the parliament/politicians to focus on who it is they seek to benefit from this Commonwealth Inquiry. Who is this Senate Inquiry into Forced adoptions going to benefit? It's asking the Commonwealth Government to acknowledge it's role in 'forced adoptions' however, there is the matter of who and how benefits from this Inquiry. Cheers Patricia Noble
Just for the record private patients were treated just as harrowingly and treacherously as were the public patients in these maternity facilities. It's a national disgrace that is now in the history books and can't be erased. I've seen as has Katherine the terrible effects of most adoptions and add by professional awareness,most are forced. What natural mum 'gives up' (the bigoted stereotyping language appalling) or by choice loses her own. Cheers Jamie Clinical Psychologist
Almost all adoptions are coercive as there is a strong maternal instinct which bonds an infant to mother prior to birthing. Apart, yet connected in this one way: under same government and other officials 'Surrogacy' raises serious issues about 'sale of babies' Australia needs to nip in the bud. I know there were tragic wrongs imposed on private as well as public maternity facility patients and am personally as professionally taken aback with 'don't they dare' and this has to be taken very seriously this time. I'm a practising clinical psychologist with insights gained from working a long process for some healing for some of the bullies' victims family members. (this cannot be public as I'm guided by ethical practices of confidentiality and privacy). I can and do state freely: So long as the core bully/abuse of power factor is not addressed at the roots, this abhorrent behaviour from 'officials' may continue. Negative power = abusive power, corruption and chaos. Positive power doesn't need to 'dominate and influence' via abusive, chaotic or corrupt means. We all need to voice as Andrew Wilkie did to the bully's 'No, not on' for as he said on air 'No' to all bully's is the only human stand to take. Cheers Jamie Clinical Psychologist
Siting the time of the Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions we note how the Vietnam War (an unjust war and as John Pilger unearthed empirical data about Pol Pot etc. to his brilliance and credit) was on the boil during time and then in midst and then over, yet not at all resolved. Young Australian men were press ganged into this war until conscription was swiped, that took time. Some of these men were natural dads and for and to these men I have no doubts they wanted to be available for their girlfriends or those who they had contact with intimately. This is another tragic reality not only of adoptions but also of wars. There is some connection however it eludes us at this time. Finally, because this is 91̳ Weekly and we are very concerned about all gender/peoples impacted by grave injustices as forced adoptions and: A man who unearthed facts and figures indisputable truths Julian Assange and Wikileaks. The latter is in our depth of sense of injustice, and we stand by this courageous and remarkable man. (out of context, only in so far as it's another utterly atrocious circumstance of outrageous bullying by 'Officials'). Good on you 91̳ Weekly. Liz and Joe
I've noticed there is a lot of comment about the chosen committee reps on the panel questioning the witnesses of the forced adoptions times in Australia. Are the government treating these witnesses highly sensitive information in the manner in which these should be treated? This is a highly sensitive social cause and effects. These people of forced adoptions are not there telling their stories for the sake of the government. They are deserving of respectful treatment of their very highly sensitive material presented at the witness position and elsewhere. How come Senator J.Adams was on the first panel asking these traumatised mums and others questions when she herself was a midwife and admits she was just this and saw forced adoptions finding it 'very difficult'. There is a legal definition for her being inappropriately chosen for this Senate Inquiry and it's called overt Conflict of Interest. How many others have this on the panel who are questioning the witnesses. The highly sensitive nature of forced adoptions deserves just and honest representatives. I wish all the victims of whom there were [and are] far too many especially around the time of Vietnam War when coerced adoptions went skyrocketing ( Vietnam War an unjust war as one commenter has truthfully said) yes. As is the war in Iraq, raging now for eight bloody in literal sense years. All of this is intolerable. Just sensitive treatment of the people harmed and hurt by forced or any adoptions. Ramsay
I went into a library in the eastern suburbs of Sydney NSW and found a heap of flyers about the senate inquiry. They were from a group named Origins Inc. NSW. Prior to reading about this civil rights or human social cause I knew very little. However, I have an aunt who has been displaced and denied access to her own original family because she lost her baby to adoption. This aunt has stayed in my mind and when I read the flyers I gave this a lot of thought. Anything or anyone that or who fosters intolerance stereotyping and discrimination should be exposed as happened with these mums and their babies and from what I perceive may still be happening. I'm now in the know just why my aunt was denied the right to attend the various functions and 'family' events we all were (except her) involved in. For this I find I question not only the governments NSW included but also the families who couldn;t find the magnanimity or even bottom line human dfecency to include my aunt and her 'family' into our fold. This is a shameful cycle and as Katherine Butterworth states on Origins Inc. petition along with endless others should never have been. I question the government's role in this injustice and am angered it hurt and displaced my aunt. With full understanding in a democracy I and anyone has the right to question our government. Physical or emotional thuggery is not on and from what I've continued to read this happened with multitudes of forced adoptions. Neither is discrimination on the basis of marital status or any other 'status' acceptable. An end to this cycle of abuse, corruption and chaos that affects people who are very vulnerable and needed as they do today support and generosity of spirit. Thanks. .
I support the people who were traumtaised by bullies who today say 'we didn't know'. I know a remarkable well known woman who has suffered tremendous anguish not only because of the loss of her born son taken away from her after delivery but also because this inquiry has raised further anguish. It would be natural for all healthily sensitive birth mums dads and adopted peoples to feel this a highly sensitive social issue. It's aired as if it's public property in some cases. People as cattle. (not knocking cattle or clover's dogs) Very good a Senate Inwuiry if it benefits not the government because they instigated it but the people because there was proven causes and effects. Origins Inc. NSW don't want an apology but they are one group only and I believe a national apology in the news media would benefit all. If the apology is not genuine as in the one the government have given the first peoples then other options. Justice is in order here for these people who suffered coercion beyond the pale and personall as well as professionally when do the bully's ever stop and show some plain decent empathy and reason. R.T.
Dr Geoffrey Rickarby (Expert on these adoptions) stated the forced adoptions happened and had dire consequences on the families. What I read is off the wall with everything about this subject. I'm studying and have to look at families torn apart, and this is one place to find lots of resources. The collective charities, public and private enterprises were all committed with this. What I want to know is what committment can the government honour to the families who were and those who survived who remain collectively known as forced adoptions. My heart goes out to the targets and whoever said bully were at work they perceive correctly. Julie
....and what will the Inquiry show? How will it resolve that which has already been? The Laws and Societal perceptions are very different today, from the era of forced adoptions.There's a whole historical period of shame from the 1940's through to late 1970's, where children were so totally de-humanised, as to be seen a commodity, or a liability, with no voice, no rights and no apparent value. The number of displaced children from their Origins is horrific...the British Migrant Children, The Stolen Generation, and the Forced Adoption Children stack up to a whole generation of rootless, disconnected people with no idea of their Origins. My birth mother was a British immigrant in the 1950's, a young pre-teen, who by the mid-sixties found herself pregnant and unwed. ...and inevitably pressured into giving up her newborn for adoption. Will this Inquiry say sorry?...will that be it? If so, I would rather not know.... Sorry for ripping a child from it's heritage? Sorry for a young woman whose child was forcibly removed from her? Sorry for the abusive, dysfunctional family the child was placed with, under the so-called watchful eyes of the experts of the day..."Child Welfare"? and who is sorry?...the Federal Senate? and who is paying for this Inquiry?...the tax payer?...which would be me...the child who was forcibly removed from her birth mother and placed in a house of that would be ironic, I pay to have some Government body apologise for what a Government of 50 odd years ago did? No Thanks.
Your lack of equanimity in the face of others suffering is very telling. For the record your taces are largely paying for the politicians to live well and in a glory they don;t deserve for having the gall to allow this to happen. You are a very negative angry person. Your input is ugly and not worthy of any further thought Ben W
Tues 11th October has a very negative comment which is contemptuous and lacking all empathy. The writer is emotionally impotent and needs an experience of tragic loss to understand the depth of this social cause and it is a just cause these people are raising. Everyone entitled to a voice but negative voices which further hurt or ham vulnerable or traumatised is not on. What a neg ferret the writer of that negative artice is and how absurd to lay claim her or his taxes are paying for this inquiry; they're paying for the overgoverned country Australia and the parliamentarians outrageous wages and fringe benefits. No further comment except the person has zilch magnaminity as the natural mums dads and adopted infants have. I hear thye anger yet it's ill expressed. It was not 50 years ago, we're talking into the 80's. Why the distortions and all the messy words which lack any humanity for cause and effects. So we dismiss the first peoples because it was all dione 'long ago' We do not. And we don;t dismiss it any time any government is unaccounatble for grave and tragic wrongs or allows such practices to go without finally some justice no matter whether first Australians or any others. 91̳ Weekly is a good read but that "comment" was off the wall. Ben W
Saying sorry is never wrong when wrong has been inflicted on anyone. I see Ben's viewpoint clearly and cannot understand why anyone would deny a meagre amount of taxes (compared to that spent on say Rudd's overseas trips) paying for a Senate Inquiry that is just and long over due. This I address to 'No thnaks'. It's sad to read about your views and your story yet don't for one minute think there is a statute of limitations on when tragedies of past may be raised by parliament. There is one very real link between the differing families torn asunder and lots of angst or rightful anger at injustices Freedom of speech is a valuable thing we have (except where is it for Julian, David and Bradley and other amazing people who dare to tell the truth to "power" ?) however which may be really or is "Dominance" almost if not entirely dictatorial. We need your voice 'No thanks' but not the throwing stones and penny pinching at people who are finally raising their voices and telling the world "What was done to us was not only wrong but illegal and unconscionable." Whatever is unearthed and found to be wrong let there be voices raised and the truth told. There's no merit in stepping on people who are or have suffered social injustices such as forced loss of their own babies or forced loss of their own original parents. Bullys beware you're out of vogue. Cheers Dominique
No Thanks (anon) the commentor seems to be with a double message. One hand it's drawing his/her wrath, other a sorry with his/her paying her taxes for an inquiry and a sorry not on. The social cause is relevant whether he or she pays mini or multitude taxes and where there is injustice there is healthy anger and following this redress. i.e. Inquiring into the truths (that have long been hidden) for empirical data to surface and the governments responsible then as now to own up and be accountable. So long as people like No Thanks Anon spew out confusion and think their taxes are paying for any persons who have been tragically mistreated and coerced to lose what most could not surviive losing there will be question ,marks about what moderators allow. Freedom of speech is just great, I'm all for it, yet when it steps on people and denies them their human rights and responsibilities to stand up for a relevant and timely (yes timely 'cause it could be happening yet again see Single Mothers and their Children's website about Gillards mean spirited money take-away from adolescent mums) and valid reasoning it could happen very soon yet again. It's a money spinner and the charities and churchs don't pay taxes No Thanks. Shame shame.) J.Duncan
Hi, Uk USA AUSTRALIA AFRICA THE WORLD We lost our kids to social workers in scotland read below now both children are parted injustice is not the word We are writing as we have set up a new support website for families in scotland who have lost their children to social workers care foster care and adoption. Our aim is to support the parents and fight for justice also we offer a name and shame area for professionals and the public. our website can be found at or google parents injustice group scotland. We want the media and local groups to support us we Have only Just Launched the site and many features are to be added we feel we offer a unique service which currently dont exsist in scotland at present like our english partners down south we will help families get justice name and shame people who have lied and hold them accountable for their actions. We would like the media to report on our statement below and highlight this in the news the founder of pigs is a man who lost his children to the care system in scotland but child stealing by the state is happening every day so is cover ups by high profile people we hope your media outlet hasnt been gagged for reporting the truth. We are also looking for community groups to share website links with us and families to have their say on our website. For the Sake of all children let us have our say please. Andrew 07827731060 +44 uk 08452249506 + 4 uk Our Statement We have been created by the need to fight widespread social care injustice and abuse of draconian state power. Children are being ripped from their parents simply because they are considered "unconventional" or even single. Just like pigs we rootle under the surface to find those golden nuggets of truth hidden beneath half truths, targets, idealised aims and a "not my decision" culture. In fact, we are the truffle P.I.G.S. of the social care world. Our aim is to help and support parents who have lost their children through spurious reasons. Low income, untidy house, learning difficulties, bad diet, disorganised lifestyle or a perceived non cooperation with social services. We don't claim that these are fully acceptable but if the money wasted by the legal and social system was spent helping families with these difficulties there would be no need for their abusive and draconian behaviour. The whole system cannot be seen to have made a mistake, so they cover up any dodgy decisions. Everyone has seen how government and bankers squirm out of responsibility for their actions. Even sympathetic solicitors have little chance against this state conspiracy. The worst thing about the whole rotten business is that the children pay for the rest of their lives. And it doesn't stop there. Their children end up suffering too. Three generations affected by inept decision making, it's beyond criminal. So please get in touch however hopeless and battered you feel. We can and will make a difference to you and your children.
As is evidenced by Australian leaders in government's extraordinary contempt and wrong to our fellow citizen Julian Assange and wikileaks, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been shoved aside to assuage guilty consciences or whatever. So it is as here written in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights:: Article 25 (2) "Motherhood and children are entitled to special care and assistance' Well the mothers and their babies in this mammoth episode of forced adoptions had all their basic human rights denied. I'm not alone in thinking there is something similar happening all over again, and all because when bullies rise up (and all those who mistreated, humiliated and pracriced wrongly on the mums and their babes were and are bullies) all of us have to take a stand and give bullies warnings, no more. The people are saying they don't like bullies so all bullies in 'power' go get your golden handshake and take a long break from dominating over the helpless. Charles
I stand by Charles regarding Julian Assange being denied his human rights and that in the constituion as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights there is are rights enshrined in any democracy that have been ignored for this noble man. This cannot and wont continue. I am standing with him all the way. I see the connection with this senate inquiry into forced adoptions in that it's all about first denying these wrongs happened, there were and still are wrong abusive cover-ups almost as if another 'gate' happened and is happening all over again. Gotto look out for another 'gate' as it appears it's in our midst. The people have to speak up and be proactive to prevent any futher harm to Julian and also the targets of any malpractice, mistreatment and yes terror imposed on single mums and their babies. It's a very differemt story for Julian Assange and Wikileaks except for the common denominater that Bullies are and have rise, and now need all of us to rise and beat them down. Bullies and bullying is an enormous social issue, and it is in play with the remarkable Julian Assange, just as it was in play with the people who lost their families; different dimensions yet all under bullying, chaos, corruption and tragic abuse. Not on not ever.
Truth is complete defense. This applies to the terrible tragic and akin practices in an era we fought a just war for according to John Pilger,and many scholars etc. the second. Every single submission & added facts found on this topic rings true. It is truth. It's true there's a connection between Julian Assange and these mums and their babes and it's bullying as well as people daring to tell the truth to power - power who would rather dominate and influence with secrets, lies and deceit and completely dumbing down the public. They mis read the public too often and have no foresight nor inisght it appears too often. Rachel Siewert may be an exception? Time will show whether or not. I'm all support for the targets of forced adoptions (and naturally Julian/seperate) who are each and all neither martyrs nor butchered people's more like very rare and admirable to have survived all the kinds of abuses they did. How on earth did they do this. It was terror inflicted on them and nothing less. Likewise Julian. Red
Mainstream media are telling the truth too. 22/10/2011 The Age journalisn by Dylan Welch stating the Commonwealth Legislation enabled this atrocity to occur and affect many thousands and this is in 60's and 70's what about the rest. WELA covered this legislation well. The silent voices are the ones I'm concerned about as they've no time for submitting their personal anguish and terror to any government official who may humiliate and damage them yet again. As for making funds available for reunions this is already available. Though the agencies that are entrusted with dealing with this are biased I read and believe. Counselling should be lifelong that's a given due to the long time they've suffered. Imagine not knowing how your baby was abd being denied any human right to do so.This is totally intolerable rubbish and belongs to the dark ages not when all this happened. As for a memorial this is tasteless, though there was a social war and innocent people got caught up in a massive cover up as trade of one kind or another occurred on very vulnerable people's of the time when discrimination ran riot,that's the unwed mums. The stories I'm reading make me sick. Julia Gillard has put out a budget for unwed mums and look out this might all happen again. When does Australia learn from the lessons of the past and stop dividing up people and families into the haves and have nots? It's time for all to take a stand and leave apathy and complacency about this kind of numerous abuses so governments are no longer top down. That didn't work when the unwed mums were abused and used for babies for infertile or plain vain "families" benefits and it wont work today. Restore the families with more than flippant apologies and no going bribing the witnesses please. Cheryl and Baz
The problem with select inquiries is the politicians themselves. Everyone knows politicians arent known for honesty and integrity. Saying this I believe they have to at very least give credence to these people's stories and all the truths unfolding. A national and widely publicised apology whether that woman from Origins with a bit of a chip likes this or not. Thanks G. Chandler
'The wealth sector uses politicians like their storm troopers' part of Noam Chomsky's writings in the Good Weekend. He was talking about USA and yet it's no different here. See the Movie Australia, and Blessed and see for yourselves how single unwed mothers and their kids are treated and portrayed (wrongly) yesterday and today. I'm all the way with this just cause to reinstate the naturals mums and their kids. Noam also mentioned something about how poor women and their children are treated or how they should be. With utter respect and not shortchanged as the P.M. has done in the recent budget. Top down doesn't work and there's something coming that no political power can control. It's all about being human finally. Gomaz October 2011
Whether from priviledged or poor socio-economic backgrounds these mums and their babes became financially poor after all the discrimination malpractices abuses of several definite kinds division of family and peers and all supports denied them That these unwed mums are still treated with contempt shows us all what we have to learn and do. The Hansard shows a pitiful lot of questioners how sensitive they are not. This is a sensitive and very traumatic social cause not a political foorball whereby the gov. get to step on the necks of the mums and babes yet again. I admire any girl or woman who can be both parents for their kid or kids. I to found Blessed and Australia promoting a stereotype of single motherhood that is so off the mark and for definite political and other reasons they were both funded by the Australian Commonwealth government maybe Blessed painted the unwed mums the worst and guess what one of the main actors is an adoptive mum. B&$#@* shame to all and most of all the the Commonwealth government. They just don't see the nuances the small things let alone the bigger picture. Go get them ladies and gentleman who endured gestapo no less treatments from governments state and commonwealth in Australia and church as well as other so called charitable officials midwives doctors clergy all who had very defined codes of ethics they didn't follow as well as under UN Dec. that they ignored totally. You've already been heard wide and far and it wont go away no matter what propaganda news media or even film productions produce. What a sham the Commonwealth film funded stints are, absolute sham and 2nd rate at that. Get off the stage Commonwealth government and the queen can go too. What are these English not Australia people doing here commanding and controlling this time? Don't stop fighting for this cause it's for real. Elizabeth
go again green left weekly you have a lot of merit from this inquiry and what's being expressed. truth and true freedom of expression is paramount with you people, great, needed. I too am one part family of adoption but wont go into details yet feel mindfully the forced adoptions were too large in numbers and names to be discounted as simply a senate inquiry and only a handful (large enough though) or few of the people terrorised even submitted to the senate inquiry organised by greens government initially. i can see why not who can't it's hard to trust the untrustworthy who say one thing and do another. I didn't submit because I don't believe the politicians care about anyone except themselves, {their behaviour shows this} {they're delusional to the core} and they don't even trust each other after lots not least Gillards stabbing in the back of stupid Rudd and prior Lathams shoot down. Bloody shameful behaviour and these guys are mingling with royalty so it shows how much credibility royalty and politicians have today, none. i also find the queen and kings presence in Australia appalling it's the 21st century, yet they're here for said purposes and are believe it or not (I can't stand it it's plain crass ugly) they are heads of commonwealth states in Australia as well as depressed and downtrodden England that I've just come home from. It's dark there dismal and Australia is linked to that, why again? There's no link except for the monarchy's advantage. They are also delusional. Who pays for their gardeners and staff with all that and the country downtrodden to a dreadful grey cloud of a country. It's like with America and Imperialism it just doesn't work today for Australians and has to go. I admired Sir William Deane a queens council 'cause he was for real and is a humane utterly decent man, but since his leaving forget the monarchy in Australia. We're old enough to be autonomous now. republicans rise where are you hiding? that is republicans need to rise where the hell are you guys? as for the people who had their heads trodden on when they were pregnant and the babies of these girls and women without any supports whatsoever except malicious discriminatory anti human rights tragic wrong doers I'm one of you so am also with you and this cause. i think a national apology is definitely in order and I also agree there's much much more to this than a simplistic national apology. Much more and not piecemeal nor patronising us anymore thanks. you demoralised us once and that's all over with we've risen and bully's are not capable of pulling any of our strings to their benfit today. the commonwealth of australia queenie and co did wrong and it's all on paper and on record and they are being asked to make amends. I have to add the queen needs a new writer what comes out of her mouth is soul-dead these days. they have to get it right the people don't care about the have's and have nots we all want equality to spread {it's happening via certain circles already} and dominating overbearing self-righteous delusional pretentious over the top royalty or government have terribly lost favour {horse racing is a major gambling problem and is glamorised by guess who {the wealthiest news media, royalty and government}, yet the news media focus on petty poker machines that also damage lives yet lets get real it's at that top end the horse racing that makes the illusion of gain and benefit from something indecent horse racing. royalty are big on this one yet can;t even see their own error regarding human ethics and damage due to gambling here. bloody shameful lot. They shoot for fun too, still do, where are their heads? i believe they are adolescent mentality. them and us and we're on top. pity the poor and yet queenie will visit the flood ridden aussie estates for what to make them feel worthy of being given tokenism support. she could get rid of one of her places and actually fund their well-being back to good health and livelihood but no she's too greedy. whoever wrote the following I'm all in aggreeance top down no longer works. everyone has human rights and no one in any adult world is any larger or smaller than anyone else. to think otherwise the queen and government have remained psychologically adolescent. wendy psychologist australia
The Australian senate inquiry into forced adoptions is not the last word regarding this serious social cause. I have never been so aware until now of how unwed young and older women and their babies have been and are treated and it's as Shirley Swain stated re forced adoptions "with malice." Good fortune to the many families and their friends also and may the politicians finally see this can't be explained away with simple sorry's and bits of condescending jargon any longer. The P.M. made a terrible error treating this matter and speaking out as if it all happened yesterday and must retract that ignornant and wrong statement. Auschwitz happened yesterday too. No more tearing families apart for any reasons whatsoever. This country is collectively rich enough to support, protect and offer safety to all mums and their babies, a given. Ali R.
I'm a man of large means with much social capital & influence outside of mainstream media. This social cause has finally been raised and there will be grievances healed. If not by the commonwealth government by means and people who do sincerely care. The PM lost favour by her flippancy with simple {negating the depth of wrongs committed} words to these people and that human error can be rectified if she throws away her unsophistacated pride. My family, I and my professional colleagues are fully supportive of a national and news media apology to all who suffered or still suffer the unsufferable being loss of one's child or loss of one's parents just after birth. This will never be forgotten yet it can heal somewhat with conscionable voices speaking up. Whatever the senate may eventuate and we all want this to be positive and caring, there are also higher authorities looking at this. Cheers Jack
91̳ Weekly I sometimes buy your paper as I'm walking the CBD home from work. I would love to see a powerful piece as you have here with the November findings of this particular Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions. I heard the findings would be November 2011. I know the PM lost favour with millions by being trite in her previous comments about Forced Adoptions being yesterday yet maybe she's since had a change of heart? Let the people know how this goes I hereby request 91̳ Weekly. Thanks for appreciated this request and if possible more on this. The comments have educated and helped me as has the article. Thanks Mick
I draw all to the attention of the unconscionable submission made by Annette Gallard C.E. O od NSW Government Human Services Community Services [this used to be D.O.C.S.] and became corporate with Tanya Plibersek MP [Comm] at helm. Annette Gallard distorts and misuses yet again in 2011 "in the interests of the child" [this has been done and continues to be done rampantly to try and assuage the guilty consciences of those who take children from their genetic parents] and in her submission makes no mention nor conscionable effort to address the human needs of the birth mums and birth dads. It's a shameful submission and this woman shows us all who is heading the dept. of "human services" outside the ministers and what values and attitudes she holds; negative bias and discrimination is covert and overt in her submission and her words are soulless. Some of the government received submissions are very daunting and truth just shines from them, this one of Gallards is empty and meaningless and covers her nicely as a profit seeker more concerned about profits than people. Why can't Australia follow the leads of academics and many who are saying the tax payers are paying too much for this middle tier of government staffing, and get rid of state and territory government staff, we're clearly and well-documented over governed. Back to Gallard, well done, because we wouldn't have known this had it not gone to print. What a tough cookie and she's C.E.O. of Human Services that are clearly not very human at all. They don't care, and if they did they would have left out "in the interests of the child" All people have human rights, civil liberties, life, liberty and human freedoms, not only children. Good work 91̳ weekly for as usual raising social and political matters we are all concerned about and I don't think of you as left or anything other than truth news media, one of the few truth news media today.
I hereby second the comment made by anon on Tuesday 1/11/2011 at 4.41pm. His or her opinion was only one and now it's more. The writings and opinions of the one Chief Executive of NSW Government Human Services Community Services PP11/131049 are completely and despicably defensive and unconscionable. Too defensive and covering up reality facts and figures as well as debasing the birth mothers fathers and their infants. [The only truth is Gough Whitlam (and we all know that story) introduced a single parents benefit, to his credit, he must be saddened julia gillard is trying to take this away in her mean spirited delusional and corrupt developments in process or possibly not]. She will go if she persists on treading on the necks of any vulnerable or less advantaged. She herself has lost favour and credibility with the public and vast international higher authorities. This woman C.E.O. of Human Services Community Services annette gallard writes in such a defensive and untrustworthy way that comes across as such. I commend the comment made by anon yesterday and state herewith the department now known as Human Services Community Services NSW Government [once DOCS] are not able to even acknowledge their own errors regarding forced adoptions let alone other errors of today. This comes across clearly in what annette gallard wrote to her own downfall. This lack of accountabilibilty and basic acknowledgement of this departments grave and malicious errors in respect to forced adopns which were many thousands stretches out in gallard's submission to form a discredited submission to the Senate Inquiry into forced infant adoptions. There's also a conflict of interest that is very clear. annette gallard defends her position the departments and attempts to state the commonwealth were not involved in forced adoptions with an argument that carries no weight only defensiveness. The only reason a person is defensive is when she or he knows they have made mistakes errors and unjust wrongs and can't admit or acknowledge these. That unconscionable lack of acknowledgement is not accepted by several human rights lawyers an array of psychologists and other professionals as well as many conscionable who can see where this woman is coming from and why. I've re-read annette gallard's submission and find it inexcusable that someone like this is in a position of C.E.O. in Human Services Community Services NSW Government. I state also this woman defends the Salvation Army who as news media has stated and correctly defrauded the Commonwealth government of massive monies with their find a job for unemployed persons and also owned and operated maternity hospitals where many many girls and woman lost their infants to forced adoptions. Further more the people of Marrickville NSW can tell all and sundry exactly what transpired at the Salvation Army maternity hospital Bethesda in Marrickville a home and hospital where the unconscionable happened to innocent and tragically traumatised young unwed girls and women. It's not true that any adoption let alone forced adoptions are ever in the best interests of the child. I unearthed through several residents just what annette gallard leaves out about the Salvation Army [further] in her defensive submission. I believe this submission should be trashed as it's Human Services Community Services [DOCS once] defensive attempt to yet again cover up and not acknowledge the terrible atrocities of many many thousands of forced adoptions in Australia. As tanya plibersek is annette gallard commonwealth minister I have lost all respect favour with her judgements also and ask where is her bottom line humanity. She's lost the plot with this one by allowing the submission by annette gallard to go public. But after all tanya plibersek has shown nepotism unjust wrongs herself by allowing her ex drug addict husband [do they ever change though at least there's honesty there in this acknowledgement] to take charge of an education portfolio. That's nepotism and right in one's face is shameful tanya. You are also minister for social inclusion so how could annette gallard's submission pass you by without some truth and acknowledging errors of past in it? The unwed were excluded and isolated, denied their basic human rights. How would you and your husband feel if your children were taken from you by strangers under duress in an unfortunate time? Shame tanya for overseeing the submission and also shame on you for allowing annette's defending the wrong doers including your department to be displayed in it's ugly defensive state. I now see tanya's double standards are also annettes as it comes from the top down in a time when top down no longer works. Human Rights Lawyers are not oblivious to this topical and human social injustice, nor are any standing along side people who can't admit their own terrible wrongs against humanity yesterday and today. Thank you. g.n.
I hereby third your clarity, assertive and honest opinions Anon and G.N. I am a human rights lawyer and Gillard, Gallard, Plibersek Macklin their advisers ad fin. won't get away with their segregating discriminating scapegoating any disadvantaged and disabled any longer. This all falls in with Human Rights Law. The female unwed mothers were disabled from holding, feeding and naturally nurturing their own infants; that's known as human rights violations. Being defensive and also inaccurate in what was meant to be a "professional" submission on internet, hard copies in chambers now, and not acknowledging wrongs is as you rightly write g.n. not acknowledging the wrongs and one large cover up. These people do believe they are above the law and they're going to learn the human reality of this delusionary non-thinking very soon. Parents Blogging website for all. Vaccine damage link NAME AND SHAME THOSE SOCIAL WORKERS THOSE JUDGES AND THOSE CHILD ABUSERS IN THE STATE SYSTEM ANYWHERE WORLDWIDE. Had you child stolen ? Had your child suffer after childhood vaccinations ? Is your child in care ? Does your child have adhd autism aspergers allergy or a moderate learning difficulty ? We have been created by the need to fight widespread social care injustice and abuse of draconian state power. Children are being ripped from their parents simply because they are considered “unconventional” or even single. Just like pigs we rootle under the surface to find those golden nuggets of truth hidden beneath half truths, targets, idealised aims and a “not my decision” culture. In fact, we are the truffle P.I.G.S. of the social care world. Our aim is to help and support parents who have lost their children through spurious reasons. Low income, untidy house, learning difficulties,Vaccine damage, bad diet, disorganised lifestyle or a perceived non cooperation with social services. We don’t claim that these are fully acceptable but if the money wasted by the legal and social system was spent helping families with these difficulties there would be no need for their abusive and draconian behaviour. The whole system cannot be seen to have made a mistake, so they cover up any dodgy decisions. Everyone has seen how government and bankers squirm out of responsibility for their actions. Even sympathetic solicitors have little chance against this state conspiracy. The worst thing about the whole rotten business is that the children pay for the rest of their lives. And it doesn’t stop there. Their children end up suffering too. Three generations affected by inept decision making, it’s beyond criminal. So please get in touch however hopeless and battered you feel. We can and will make a difference to you and your children
There's a multitude of lies, hypocrasy and errors in the NSW State Government, Fred Nile, and other Pro-Adoption (shame, shame) submissions (NSW is most prominant). The conflict of interest with Senator Adams is writhe and real (why has this been neglected??) ( she's not honourable and should never've been on that panel). She ommitted that DES was forced on these girls/women ( common use brand known as Stilboestra) given to literally thousands of girls/women as a de-lactate and as someone correctly writes it was never endorsed by pharmaceutical companies to use as this) prior to any one considering the 'retraction of consent'. How can you retract anything let alone the breast milk before the person has fully consented, and that breast milk (the babies human/natural/biological sustenance) was taken away by a means so foul and before any forced consent, and is known to be carcinogenic? This speaks a lot about just how determined this malicious mob of ethical and phusical thugs wanted to seperate birth mums from their babies; and they were under 'policy' to do so. If the 'consent' had a time frame whereby a mother could say "no, I don't want to lose my own' no girl/woman would've had Stilboestral or any of it's other brand names of DES thrust on them. My wife was pregnant and given this drug for a de-lactate prior to our marriage. I'm angry as hell whilst she suffers from a cancer that is causing pain and hardsship, affecting our whole family. I'm with some consolation some human rights lawyers, one particular judge are now looking at the broad angles and outrageous horrors (not far away from Auchwitz) of Australian (yes Commonwealthy Government Policy endorsed: See WELA Submission) of forced baby adoptions in our Australian history. If any of this is happening today so help me God the culprits/bully's will fall on their own swords quicker than they can wield their callous inhumane negative power, a power so evil, corrupt and cruel it wont be long before the government loses all it's credibility unless it makes some major changes to systems policies and practices. I'm ashamed of Tanya Plibersek's Human Services and her colleague and our fellow citizen's submission (Annette Gallard's) NSW Government defenesive and lying cover up submission of DOCS that makes the Salvation Army and all the colluding bully wrong doers think 'they were part of a time with values and tattitudes that thought this way': UNTRUE. As one writer said so poignantly and correctly: humanity and empathy are in every era, past and present. Chris and family Husband, Father, Brother, Uncle, Cousin, Lawyer.
We Agree with Chris. Having been studying law now for several years and taking notes on this social topic my peers and I have noticed some horrendous implications by and for the Australian Governments and their department 'authorities'. Until they change their ways including systems protocols and the outdated stereotyping discriminatory divisions things will be noted by all overseas who presently see Australian Governments as acting as if third world country governments. This is not on the front pages of news media, and yet is well known in professional areas and publicly widespread. The governments of Australia are acting like children, and it's all about adulthood leadership and government of a democratic country as Australia. Peter Chadwi Lawyers for Peace with Justice and Human Rights


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