On the third anniversary of the release of the by WikiLeaks -- which exposed horrific war crimes by US forces in Iraq -- Icelandic MP and WikiLeaks contributor Birgitta Jonsdottir visited the US. Jonsdottir addressed a forum at Judson Memorial Church in New York City on April 5.
Organised by the Bradley Manning Support Network, the event was organised to raise awareness about WikiLeaks whistlebower Bradley Manning, who has suffered three year’s of incarceration and abuse. Manning, a US soldier, is facing a court martial in June.
The panel also featured Kevin Gosztola who writes for Firedoglake.com, independent journalist Alexa O’Brien and FAIR media critic Peter Hart. It was moderated by talkshow host Sam Seder.
Photo stills from the video "Collateral Murder" were on display. Art prints by Molly Crabapple were auctioned to raise funds for Bradley Manning's defense and Laura Poitras's five-minute documentary Providence was shown.
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