Look for the silver lining, When mushroom clouds appear in your view, Once you supported Uranium mining, Now it's all coming back to you; From Mururoa and Fangataufa, The French perfume, it wafts your way, For France you bled so well, remember? This
Behind the war in Jaffna The recent offensive by the Sri Lankan army against the Tamil people hasn't been criticised by the world's capitalist powers. 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly's ANA KAILIS spoke to DR A.E SELVANATHAN, sub dean of the Department of Asian
The Fish John West RejectCartoons by Heinrich Hinze$15 (which includes postage and handling) from Scratch! Media, PO Box 597, Dickson ACT 2602Reviewed by Alex Bainbridge Heinrich Hinze is undoubtedly one of the best progressive cartoonists in
By Boris Kagarlitsky MOSCOW — During the campaign for the elections of December 1993 Russian business leaders vied with one another to sponsor "Russia's Choice" and other "Westernising" political groups. The entrepreneurs believed in an open
Hidden Histories of ScienceEdited by Robert B. SilversThe New York Review of Books, 1995, 193pp. US$19.95 (hb)Reviewed by Neville Spencer "Science sometimes sees itself as impersonal, as 'pure thought', independent of its historical and human
By Kerryn Williams There were rallies in all major cities on December 7 or 8 to mark the 20th anniversary of Indonesia's occupation of East Timor. East Timorese activists began an all-day protest in Canberra on December 7 at 4am with a silent,
By Neville Spencer Haiti's first presidential election since the ousting of the military regime is to take place on December 17. In the last few weeks violence has broken out accompanied by a souring of relations between President Jean-Bertrand
Programs of interest on Sydney Community TV (UHF 31) — Perleeka, indigenous Australians' program, nightly, 7pm. Art Experimenta, Mondays, 8pm and 11.30pm, and Tuesdays, 3am and 6.30am. Bent TV, gay and lesbian program, Thursdays, 10.30pm and
By Graham Matthews Well-known population theorist and author Dr Paul Ehrlich addressed a seminar sponsored by the Australian Museum in Sydney on November 16, titled "The Stork and the Plow". "This race between human fertility and human agriculture,
The Moor's Last SighBy Salman RushdieJonathan Cape, London 1995437 pp. $29.95 (hb)Reviewed by Peter Boyle Salman Rushdie's previous major novel, The Satanic Verses, earned him a fatwa (religious order) from the late Ayatollah Khomenei, sentencing him
By Nathan Laurent BRISBANE — On December 8, the independent radio station, 4ZZZ FM celebrated 20 years on air. Marked by special programs and live performances (including an appearance by Jello Biafra), it was a reminder that the alternative media
By Lex Martin DARWIN — Until recently Darwin Harbour, a huge tidal mangrove, attracted scant attention from government or investors. However, the NT's Country Liberal Party has decided that of the existing 260 square kilometres of mangrove stock