SAN FRANCISCO — Corporate racism suffered a defeat on November 16. In the largest settlement ever in a corporate racial discrimination case, the Coca-Cola Company agreed to pay more than US$156 million to resolve a federal lawsuit brought by black
Fleas While it's all very fine to occupy the moral high ground every now and then, when it comes to parliamentary politics we, the enfranchised public, shouldn't always be too insistent on a side order of legalisms with our suffrage. Here, in
BY BRONWEN BEECHEY ADELAIDE — The Adelaide City Council's proposal to ban the public consumption of alcohol within the city and North Adelaide came under fire at a meeting of around 100 people in the Adelaide Town Hall on November 20. The
BY CHRIS SLEE MELBOURNE — Drivers working in the long distance freight industry blockaded oil company depots and the Melbourne docks on November 20. They were demanding an increase in the cartage rate from $1 per kilometre to $1.43 per kilometre,
BY PETER BOYLE In the midst of the concerted public relations exercise, focused around the Sydney Olympics, to present Australia as a multicultural and non-racist society, the federal minister for Aboriginal affairs John Herron denied the existence
BY SEAN HEALY MAE SOT, Thai-Burma border — Heavily pregnant, Ma Thi Da brings out the plates that she, and 500 other Burmese women, made and then hand-painted in a factory in this border town. They'll fetch a pretty penny in the export markets
BY VIV MILEY HOBART — Premier Jim Bacon's Labor government introduced amendments to workers' compensation laws in parliament on November 21. While claiming that workers will benefit, the changes have been designed primarily to save the bosses
BY BILL MASON BRISBANE — The controversial Naturelink cableway on the Gold Coast will not go ahead. The Queensland state government on November 8 rejected the proposal in line with its ban on commercial activity in national parks. The Gold
Newcastle Uni elections Matt Thompson's letter in GLW #429 attacks our article on the disqualification of Peter Robson from the Newcastle University presidential by-election (GLW #428) without once referring to the article's main points. His letter
BY STEPHEN O'BRIEN NEWCASTLE — Metal workers, fleeced of their entitlements by the Steel Tube Pipe (STP) group of companies, have extended their picket lines from the Carrington plant of the Newcastle-based group to the luxurious mansion being
BY ZANNY BEGG SYDNEY — In one of the biggest campaign organising meetings to be held in Sydney for a long time, 60 people crammed into the Newtown Neighbourhood Centre on November 23 to discuss plans for May 1 in Sydney. The meeting was called
BY MAX LANE Since August, a new left-wing theoretical magazine, Jurnal Kiri (Left Journal), has been published in Indonesia. Three editions of the 160-page magazine have appeared. Its general editor is Marlin, who is also member of the editorial