Dave Riley
It was very clear as the various preview screenings swept through Australia that Michael Moore's documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 made for no ordinary film showing. Anecdotal feedback from many of these screenings suggested that film-goers
Mike Byrne
The July 17 Courier Mail exposed the staggering depth of the state Labor government's handouts of taxpayers' money to some of Australia's largest corporations conducting business in Queensland. A total of $21.5 million was handed out to
Stephen Garvey, Melbourne
Victoria's ambulance paramedics have refused to obey an order issued on July 30 by the Australian Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC) to lift work bans. Paramedics lifted bans on ambulance bypass, pre-bypass and
Raza D'OroConcepto TamborAvailable at <http://www.conceptotambor.com>
Concepto Tambor are moving into new places, filled with gente (good people), stuffed with soul (alma). Jam-packed dance-shows at the Launchpad,
Caging, Terror and Flesh: Virtuality or Reality of our New Millennium? is influenced mainly by the Abu Ghraib prisoner torture scandal and criticises the way the human body is humiliated. The performance contains nudity and violence. All performers
SOUTH AFRICA: Car workers put solidarity before jobs
South Africa's National Union of Metalworkers (NUMSA) is opposed to the proposed relocation of DaimlerChrysler's C-Class Mercedes production to plants in the Eastern Cape in response to trade
Coalition against racism formed
PERTH — Up to 100 people attended a meeting on July 24 called by the Ethnic Communities Council in response to a spate of racist graffiti and vandalism.
The attacks took place on July 17-19 and have been
Graham Matthews, Melbourne
A Victorian government survey of 2003 year 12 graduates has confirmed that less than 34% of students from public schools entered university, compared with 67% of students from private schools, which are being increasingly
Rihab Charida, Saida
Ain El Helweh is the largest Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon. In this tightly packed camp the only playgrounds available for children are the narrow alleys where dirty water flows. The only place for the elderly to gather
SYDNEY — On July 31, 100 people demonstrated outside Villawood immigration detention centre to demand the closure of the facility. Raul Bassi, Socialist Alliance candidate for the seat of Blaxland, presented a petition to an immigration
At least one-third of all women have been beaten, coerced into sex, or abused in their lifetime.
More than 60 million women are "missing" from the world today due to sex-selective abortions and female infanticide.
Every year, millions of women
Minnie Bruce Pratt, New York
Chanting "Bush lies, millions die", protesters at the International AIDS Conference in Bangkok on July 14 shouted down Randall Tobias, the US global AIDS coordinator and the former CEO of pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly
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