Duncan Meerding & Jim McIlroy More cities have now taken up the call to hold demonstrations in the week prior to the federal election. The Hobart Peace Coalition has initiated a broad group to organise an "End the lies" rally — a similar theme
Rachel Evans, Sydney On July 25, at least 250 people rallied at Sydney Town Hall to protest bipartisan support for amendments to the federal Marriage Act 1961 that would outlaw same-sex marriage. Organised by Community Action Against Homophobia
REVIEW BY PHIL SHANNON AMERICAN GULAG: Inside US Immigration PrisonsBy Mark DowUniversity of California Press, 2004413 pages, $55 (hb) "You African monkeys should go back to your country", was how the US Immigration and Naturalisation Service
Message Stick: Marjorie Woodrow — Marjorie Woodrow made a name for herself fighting for "stolen wages" (compensation for the unpaid labour of Aboriginal people). ABC, Friday, August 6, 6pm. As it Happened: Watergate Plus 30 — Presents how
Alexis Vassiley In the wake of the National Union of Students' national education conference, held at the University of Sydney on June 30-July 2, student activists around the country have called for rallies to be held in mid August to protest the
There was outrage when it was revealed during hearings of the ongoing NSW Special Commission of Inquiry that a special fund set up by the James Hardie company to pay its asbestos victims was $1.7 billion short of what was needed to look after many
Doug Lorimer The United Nations has failed to persuade enough member countries to contribute troops to provide protection for its planned mission to Iraq, according to the July 21 Los Angeles Times. The UN was seeking at least 1000 troops from
Traffic to the 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly website hit an all-time high on July 19, when a total of 19,650 visitors came to the site and a total of 86,243 articles were read. Previously, the highest number of visitors on one day had been around 14,000. Most
Karen Fredericks The Coalition government will start deploying Australian police to Papua New Guinea from early September. This follows the Papua New Guinea parliament's decision on July 27 to finalise legislation giving the 230 Australian police
On July 29, Australia's ambassador to the Philippines was called in to that country's foreign ministry to be given a justly deserved "dressing down" over foreign minister Alexander Downer's attacks on Philippines President Gloria Arroyo's decision to
Dick Nichols ALP leader Mark Latham would make himself very popular if he rejected the Coalition government's misnamed "free trade" agreement (FTA) with the United States and demanded its renegotiation. He would become the hero of the Australian
Rohan Pearce Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11, the most successful anti-war film ever, doesn't gloss over the atrocities committed by the US occupation forces in Iraq, depicting graphic scenes of carnage inflicted on Iraqis by US soldiers. But