Loose cannons

August 9, 2000

Impeccably neutral

"[Australian Broadcasting Authority chairperson David Flint] has impeccable political connections — he is close to the Prime Minister — and is seen by the industry as neutral." — Anne Davies in the Sydney Morning Herald.

He hasn't changed

"I find it hard to identify anyone ... [in the Labor Party] who is to the left of me." — Retiring ALP president Barry Jones, noting that he was considered an extreme right-winger when he joined in the 1960s.

Partial fairness

"We're not saying we want Australian [workers' rights] standards imposed on developing countries, but there should be 'core' standards." — Manufacturing workers' union national secretary Doug Cameron on what the ALP "left" really means by "fair" trade.

Just say yes?

"[Fertile single and lesbian women] are not entitled to Medicare [for IVF treatment] because they have no medical need for the treatment, not when there is a simple alternative, which is intercourse." — Federal health minister Michael Wooldridge threatening to prosecute doctors who provided IVF services to these women.

The people

"We are about the business of lowering the burden of tax on people." — ALP leader Kim Beazley's response to a question at the party's national conference last week about whether Labor would increase taxes on high-income earners to pay for spending initiatives.

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