In regards to the recent review of the film Kissed, I am very concerned that the staff at 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ does not have the guts to tell the truth about wrongs in the art world as it does about other social problems. Being liberal does not
In its 300 issues, 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly has published more than 16,000 separate articles, totalling more than 10 million words. Clearly, a proper history of the issues covered would run for many pages. Instead of such a history, we've selected a brief
By Renfrey Clarke
MOSCOW — In the first decade of the next century, a series of reactor blocks at Russian nuclear power plants will reach the end of their designed service life. Government officials will then have to choose between two grim
The pastoral industry's debt to Aboriginal people
Since last December's High Court Wik decision, which confirmed that native title and pastoral leaseholds can co-exist, relations between Aboriginal people and pastoralists have been under renewed
Rio Tinto: the world's worst company?
By James Vassilopoulos
With a turnover of $10.8 billion in 1996, Rio Tinto is the biggest mining company in the world. Through its mines and subsidiaries, Rio Tinto wears many masks. Among them are: Hunter
For My Comrade
Today I come to visit you, comradeto wake you up in the morning.
You hear the loud voicesfrom the machine gunsand the voices of crying shakes you, comrade
I come to visit you, ComradeTo knock on the window of your heart;To the
Resistance has been an integral part of 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly's success since it began publication in 1991. Resistance members have been involved in writing articles and are key to its widespread distribution. intro = 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly correspondent
By Allen Myers
In the week before the opening of the Kyoto conference on climate change and greenhouse gas emissions, scientific studies of temperatures around the world appear to show that 1997 will be the hottest year since human beings began
Opposition to nuclear reactor grows
By Chris Spindler
SYDNEY — Citizens Against a Nuclear Reactor (CANR) has been formed to oppose the federal government's plans to build a new nuclear reactor at Lucas Heights. CANR is calling on the government
By Norm Dixon
Pauline Hanson and her minders have toured Queensland to secure the support of the state's most rabid far-right and racist groups in preparation for the state election. One Nation has announced that it will stand candidates in every
Spikes of hyacinth
By Brandon Astor Jones
"Show me someone not full of herself and I'll show you a hungry person." — Nikki Giovanni.
Although she has put on a little more weight these days, I can remember when Nikki Giovanni weighed less
Comedy consortium bids for rights to Jesus
By Bronwen Beechey
MELBOURNE — Highly regarded local entrepreneurs Rod Quantock, Fred Rowan and Lynda Gibson (better known for their comedy appearances on stage and TV) are preparing a bid to secure
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