As the US, British and Australian governments enter their third year of occupation in Iraq, opposition and resistance to the occupation by the Iraqi people continues to steadily grow. Last October, the London Sunday Telegraph revealed that a secret
Brown launches Recherche Bay book CANBERRA — Australian Greens Senator Bob Brown launched his new book Tasmania's Recherche Bay on February 28. The book launch caps off a successful campaign involving a buy-back of south-east Tasmania's
We live in a world dominated by war, racism, poverty and environmental destruction. We are told that these disasters are inevitable: they result from "human nature" and we can do nothing about them. But there is no human gene that causes misery. It
Zoe Kenny The release by the South Australian government in December of the latest blueprint to reduce lead pollution in Port Pirie signals yet another chapter in the long, half-hearted effort by SA authorities to mitigate the impact of the town's
On January 22, Evo Morales — former trumpeter, llama herder and coca-grower union leader — became the first popularly elected indigenous president of Bolivia. His election followed five years of intense social struggle that kicked out two
Fred Fuentes The first revolution of the 21st century is occurring in Venezuela. With the election of Hugo Chavez as president in 1998, a process of political empowerment and social mobilisation has meant the country's poor are beginning to take
Nathan Verney March 20 will mark three years since the US-led invasion of Iraq began, and demonstrations will be held around the world in a global weekend of action (March 17-19) to call for an end to the occupation, and for justice for the Iraqi
As It Happened: Life Behind The Wall — Looks at the now extinct German Democratic Republic 15 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. SBS, Saturday, March 18, 7.30pm. Message Stick: Julie Dowling — With the support of her identical twin sister
Ben Courtice, Melbourne Qantas Airways, Australia's major airline, announced on March 9 that it will close its Sydney Airport heavy maintenance base for its fleet of Boeing 747s, sack 480 workers, and transfer 140 of the positions to Brisbane and
On March 6, environmental protesters demonstrated at Australian embassies and consulates in the US, Canada, Japan and Britain against the destruction of old-growth forests in Tasmania and the undermining of democracy by Forestry Tasmania and logging
Max Lane The second congress of the Acehnese Peoples Democratic Resistance Front (FPDRA), held on February 23-26 in Aceh Besar, took a decision to form a new political party in Aceh. The FPDRA was established in the late 1990s and grew out of
CANBERRA — The Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Union's campaign for Filipino guest workers hit the streets on March 10 to expose a Canberra restaurant found guilty by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations of more than $5000