Andrew Hall & Sarah Stephen At its January 29-31 conference, the ALP will decide on a new policy towards refugees and asylum seekers. Framed by the impending national election, the policy debate is likely to be heated. Labor for Refugees has been
David Bacon, Los Angeles Mark Norton is one of 70,000 workers forced on strike, or locked out, in southern California. Soon he may be one of hundreds of thousands more facing the same difficult predicament. Across the country, the system for
Shane Bentley At its January 15 membership meeting, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 10 voted to hold a stop-work meeting on March 20 to shut down San Francisco Bay docks in solidarity with protest marches taking place
Newcastle — Long-time US anti-war activist and socialist Barry Sheppard spoke at a public forum organised by the Newcastle branch of the Socialist Alliance on January 17. Sheppard argued that the US-led invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were not
Rohan Pearce The sight of Baghdad's streets on January 19, filled with up to 100,000 Shiites chanting "Yes, yes to elections!" and "Enough with America!", was the stuff of nightmares for the White House and the US-dominated Coalition Provisional
Kerryn Williams When federal parliament resumes sitting in February, the government's Medicare Plus bill will be put to the Senate. Health minister Tony Abbott has declared himself unwilling to respond to the "wish lists" of those opposing the
Peter Boyle, Sydney At a raucous meeting on December 15, the ALP-controlled Marrickville Council, in inner-suburban Sydney, rammed through a proposal to bolster the ALP's chances of keeping control after the March 27 local elections. By
Jon Lamb, Mumbai The January 16-21 World Social Forum followed many months of planning and coordination by the Indian Organising Committee. 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly spoke to IOC member Srilata Swaminathan, a central committee member of the Communist Party
Dave Riley, Brisbane With the Labor government sitting on a massive majority of 43 seats, the result of the Queensland state election is an easy call. The big end of town may be keen to reduce the arrogance that such a lead fosters, but the ALP
John van der Velden Building socialist and broad-left unity is the most urgent task for progressive people and groups in this era of war and unbridled corporate greed. Environmental destruction, exploitation and social dislocation pervade vast
Censored 2004: the Top 25 Censored StoriesBy Peter Phillips and Project CensoredSeven Stories Press, 2003367 pages, $36 (pb) REVIEW BY PHIL SHANNON On February 5, 2003, the day US Secretary of State Colin Powell made his case for war against Iraq
Chris Latham, Perth On January 16, the Western Australian branch of the Australian Education Union indicated that it will recommend acceptance of a new offer negotiated between the AEU and the state education department for a certified agreement