BY SARAH STEPHEN At the end of March, Baxter detainees wrote an open letter to the Australian people. It said, in part, “The government policy is so hard, so tough — they don't want to grant us protection, even on humanitarian grounds. At
BY BILL MASON BRISBANE — A number of suburban protests were held on March 29 to demand "No war on Iraq" and "Bring the troops home". Initiated by the Socialist Alliance, the protests were held in West End, Fortitude Valley, Stones Corner and
BY SARAH STEPHEN According to Victorian Greens refugee spokesperson Pamela Curr, the three remaining asylum seekers on Christmas Island were secretly removed at 3am on March 25. "A specially chartered plane came in from [Papua] New Guinea", she
Books Not Bombs protest The decision on April 2 by the students to call off the march and be satisfied with a rally in Sydney Town Hall Square was an example of excellent decision-making by the Books Not Bombs leadership. What I object to is the
BY RAHUL MAHAJAN Iraq's desperate humanitarian situation has suddenly become a retroactive justification for the war, even for the attacking of civilian targets. The need to get aid into Basra prompted a British military spokesperson on March 25 to
BY DOUG LORIMER The White House has claimed that Russian companies are providing assistance to Iraq to help it resist the US-led invasion. The Pentagon has extended this accusation to include Syria, which along with Russia, France and Germany,
BY DOUG LORIMER "The Iraqi people will administer Iraq", White House press secretary Ari Fleischer declared, appropriately on April Fool's Day. That same day, Jay Garner, the retired US army general who has been selected by the White House to
HANS GEBZE is a West Papuan student based in Yogyakarta. He has been involved in political struggle since before 1998. He is a secretary-general of the Alliance of Papuan Students (AMP). Gebze spoke to 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly's MAX LANE about the West
Art Sans FrontieresSEAS Art Basement, 66 Hindley Street, AdelaideUntil April 11 (auction at 7pm, April 11) REVIEW BY JO ELLIS ADELAIDE — "Nations have imposed borders but art and human rights transcend them", state the organisers of Art Sans
BY RUSSELL PICKERING PERTH — Despite a hysterical campaign by the Western Australian media and police opposing the right of young people to protest against the Iraq war, a 400-strong anti-war rally was held by Youth and Students Against the
BY PETER BOYLE One of the most enthusiastic “peace monitors” at the April 2 Books Not Bombs protest in Sydney was Doris Owens, 65. Owens was one of 11 people charged with “treason” for urging young people not to register for the military
BY KERRYN WILLIAMS CANBERRA — More than 100 people attended an anti-war teach-in on April 5, organised by the ACT Network Opposing War. Most participants, including students and academics, had attended anti-war protests in Canberra and the